
Friday, February 4, 2011

Winners of the February Giveaway !

Thank you, everybody, for the lovely comments you wrote for the February Giveaway ! What a great group of wonderful, supportive people ! We carefully wrote the name of each contestant on a square of paper, then folded it up and dropped it into the hat.

Greg, (the husband of Daryl), reached into the hat and drew out four names at random. Here they are, with our congratulations:

1. The winner of the Jo Ann $ 10 gift card is Barbara on Eastern Shore

2. The winner of the Blank Quilting fabric bundle is  Potpourri

3. The winner of the assorted name brand fabric bundle is:  Baukje

4. The winner of the "Inspired to Sew"  book is:  Sharon

Winners, please e-mail us your name and shipping address (which we will hold in confidence) to We'll ship out your prize, postage paid, as soon as possible.

All of your comments were so nice, that we really wish we could award a prize to each of you this month. However, we have the next best thing -- another Giveaway coming up soon. Please stay tuned to Quilt Inspiration !


We love reading each and every comment... thanks for visiting our blog!