
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas (Feliz Navidad) !

For Christmas Eve, here is a lovely quilt that relates to Mary and Joseph's search for lodging in Bethlehem, so that the Christ child might be born. To all of our readers around the world, Merry Christmas !

Feliz Navidad by Betty Busby , Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the 2013 Houston International Quilt Festival

In Betty's home state of New Mexico, the southwestern U.S.A., and  Latin America, the Christmas traditions revolve around the celebration of  Las Posadas.  It is the re-enactment of the search for shelter as the birth of Jesus draws near. A procession of people walk to a home, as Joseph and Mary walked to the inn at Bethlehem. The leader carries a lighted candle with a paper shade around it, known in Spanish as a "farolito". These farolitos (sometimes called luminarias) are also used to decorate the homes and buildings of the surrounding area, as you can see above. The paper bags are filled with sand, then a small candle or battery-operated light is placed inside the bag.  Betty writes........"Our whole neighborhood glows with these simple decorations during the holidays."

Close up photos, Feliz Navidad by Betty Busby

In Feliz Navidad, Betty has depicted her own home in New Mexico, beautifully decorated with farolitos. Gorgeous shades of pale lavender, golden brown and tan, plus deep purple, are used to portray the peaceful, snow covered landscape of a New Mexico winter.  Betty used turned-edge machine applique and machine quilting to create this memorable work.

This close-up shows some of the extensive applique on the tree branches and surrounding farolitos. The horizontal quilting pattern of the snow and sky give an artistic,expansive depth to this realistic landscape scene. You can almost hear the voices of the Las Posadas procession, singing carols as they approach the front walk, anticipating the fiesta inside.

Image credits:  Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration. Betty Busby is an award-winning quilt artist whose works have been exhibited around the world; for more of her beautiful works, see her website, Betty Busby Arts.


  1. Betty came to a local quilt guild once and did a trunk show. Her work is outstanding and amazing! She is a true artist. I've seen her work at the Fiber Arts Fiesta too in Albuquerque.

  2. That is such a beautiful quilt, thank you for sharing.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and your new year is filled with many blessings.


  3. Another beauty. Thanks for sharing your photos with us.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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