
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Memorial Day

Tomorrow is Memorial Day in the U.S., a day to honor those who died in service to their country.  Each country has its own traditions of remembrance. In the Commonwealth countries, the poppy is used as an emblem of those who died in war, and Remembrance Day is celebrated in November. This striking quilt captured our attention in the 2014 World Quilt Competition at the Pacific International Quilt Festival.

Soldier On, 70 x 40", by Lucy Carroll (Australia)

Soldier On is fiber artist Lucy Carroll's interpretation of the Roll of Honor at the Australian War Memorial.   She says,  "The placing of a poppy is a poignant act which connects us with fallen soldiers through the generations."  Although the U.S. does not have the poppy tradition, this quilt speaks to us with its brilliant wall of poppies.

At the end of the hall you can see two comrades supporting each other as they walk through the archway.  This large wall piece is hand and machine pieced, and hand and machine appliqued.

Lucy is a contemporary Australian textile artist and the winner of numerous national and international awards for her work.  We hope these photos do justice to her stunning creation.  For more of her work, see Lucy Carroll Textiles.

Image credits:  Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration at the 2014 Pacific International Quilt Festival.  Soldier On won Honorable Mention in the Innovative category.


  1. Beautiful quilt - brings tears to my eyes.

  2. Veterans buttonhole poppies Memorial Day weekend has been a tradition in this part of the US since before I was born.

  3. Very beautiful and emotional tribute !

  4. I love to see where different quilters go when they take an idea and run with it.


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