
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Best of the September quilt show ! Day 1

Welcome to a new season of quilt shows ! We had a wonderful time at the Diablo Valley Quilters' show in Walnut Creek, California ! Take a look at some of our favorites from this fun show.

Gorgeous Gerty by Lynne Douglas

Lynne Douglas says, "I started "Gerty" in Susan Carlson's [collage quilting] class.  I love working with bright colors, and "Gerty" shows my love of color."

Gorgeous Gerty by Lynne Douglas

Lynne Douglas continues, "I used lots of glue and tulle and then quilted all the pieces down." She created dramatic black eyelashes for this elegant giraffe. 

Fabric Flowers by Diana McClun, quilted by Kathy August

Diana McClun is a renowned California quilter and the co-author of Quilts! Quilts!! Quilts!!! with Laura Nownes.  Diana says, "Fabric Flowers is an original still-life made with collage techniques from a class in Asilomar."  She used nine separate floral fabrics for this broderie perse design.

close up, Fabric Flowers by Diana McClun

This detailed still-life even includes a ladybug and a bumble bee.  The yellow fabric is a dyed and stamped fabric by Jane Dunnawold.

Gramma's I Spy Quilt by Cindy Sloneker, quilted by Genese Hoskins

Cindy Sloneker says,  "This is my version of Freddy Moran's Zig Zag pattern.  We have a new grandson, and this is the quilt he plays on at Nana's house, where he and his grandparents play I-Spy games."

close up, Gramma's I Spy Quilt by Cindy Sloneker

There are so many cute fabrics to see in this quilt, including a pink kitty, Linus with his blanket, and a football. 

Dancing Girls of Roussillon by Linda Fribley, quilted by JoAnn Carpenter

The Dancing Ladies pattern is in American Jane's Quilts for All Seasons by Sandy Klop.  Linda Fribley says,  "After a trip to France in the Provence area and the village of Roussillon, I fell in love with the yellow, ochre and red cliffs and the fabrics of Provence, and had to make this quilt."   The center of the quilt is comprised of nine-patch blocks made with blue, red, yellow and green prints.

close up, Dancing Girls of Roussillon by Linda Fribley

The border contains a total of 32 dancing ladies adorned in colorful Provence fabrics.

Ryokan by Susan Greene, quilted by Carmen Franklin

We've always loved the Amish-inspired houses in this pattern by ThimbleCreek Quilt Shop.  Susan Greene made this quilt as a 40th anniversary present for her brother and sister-in-law. Each of the twelve houses incorporates a traditional quilt block. 

close up, Ryokan by Susan Greene

Susan Greene says, "Note the Cherrywood [fabric] blocks within the houses, and the  wonderful quilting by Carmen Franklin."

Image credits:  Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration


  1. I'm in love with the nine patch quilt - what fun and interesting quilts - thank you so much for sharing

  2. I like every one of these quilts! Diana's made my heart race. What a beautiful quilt!


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