
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Best of the Utah Quilt Show! (part 3)

Here are more outstanding quilts from the the 43rd Annual Springville (Utah) Quilt Show! This juried exhibition features quilts of all styles created by some of the State’s finest quilters. We are always impressed by the quality and beauty of the quilts by these Utah quilters.

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Mariner's Compass by Josephine Keasler, quilted by Wade Wardrop

This Mariner's Compass design is by Judy Niemeyer. Josephine Keasler says, "The use of color was a challenge and a tool in making this quilt. I wanted the color placement to have a balance around the compass. This was accomplished by using a dark and a light of the 8 colors and moving the colors one position over every time I added another layer."

We loved the intricate, filigree-like quilting by Wade Wardrop as shown below:

Tessellation by Jen Van Orman, quilted by Kaylene Perry

Jen Van Orman says, "This quilt represents what quilting is to me: an art form. Whether a quilt is meant to hang on a wall, be used on a bed, or go with a family to soccer games, it is a piece of art that provides comfort and beauty." The tessellation quilt pattern is by Alison Glass, done in an ombre version with fabrics by Vanessa Christenson.

Paricutin by Maria Hawkins, quilted by Becky Morganson

This brilliant French braid quilt is done in 12 gradated hues of yellow, orange and red. Maria Hawkins says, "Paricutin was named for a volcano that grew from a corn field in Mexico where I lived as a child. I love to work with batiks, the color black, and any bright fabric." 

Flowers to Towers - Island in the Sky by Peggy Harty

Peggy Harty lives in Moab, Utah, near Canyonlands National Park. Peggy says: "In 2014, Canyonlands National Park celebrated its 50th anniversary. Our guild picked that theme for our annual challenge. I used one of my own photographs to create this quilt." In the closeup photo below, you can see French knots that represent flowers.

Dakota Sunset by Marian Murdock

Recipient of a blue ribbon and Award of Excellence, Marian Murdock says: "Dakota Sunset is my depiction of the beautiful sunsets on the prairies of South Dakota at the time when the buffalo roamed free. The Native American culture is also represented in this quilt." Dakota Sunset was quilted on a domestic machine with some very creative designs including feathers and tepees.  We are seeking the source of this great design.

Kaffe Pinwheels by Charlene Nelson

Charlene Nelson says,"The pinwheels are made from some Kaffe Fassett fabric that I had bought in Houston one year. I made paper pieces for the pinwheels and constructed them using the English paper piecing method. They are appliqued onto solid backgrounds. Many of them are hand-dyed fabrics that were in my stash. The checkerboard backgrounds are quilted with Magnifico thread."

Rainbow Furrows by Barbara Colton, quilted by Dixie Sargent

I had always wanted to do a log cabin quilt and decided to use up my scraps to do it. Fortunately, I had enough rainbow colors to make this without buying much extra. The setting is ‘straight furrows’ but since I used rainbow colors, I call it ‘Rainbow Furrows.’”

Image credits:  Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration.


  1. WOW! Great show and tell!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for sharing the show. Love the landscape and the log cabin.

  3. Such gorgeous quilts! Every single one of them!

  4. I am ever amazed at the way these quilters can make a machine behave to the best advantage. The colors are so rich and the patterns so eye-catching. Thanks for the view.


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