
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The 12 Days of Christmas: Day 1

Here is Quilt Inspiration's countdown to Christmas ! Each day up to and including Christmas Eve, we'll feature a quilt that reflects the spirit and beauty of the season. Let's start with Day 1: 

Christmas Memories, 75 x75, by Karen Brandt, quilted by Debbie Stanton

We loved this stunning quilt when we saw it on display at the 2016 Quilt Arizona show. Blue ribbon winner for Best Appliqued Large Quilt,  Karen explains, "Christmas Memories is a delightful marriage of needle-turn applique with Christmas motifs, [including poinsettias and a Christmas cactus in the center]."  This pattern was designed by Connie Sue Haidle of Apple Blossom Quilts. 

It's no surprise to us that Christmas Memories also won the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame Award, which is presented by the show sponsor to a quilt deemed worthy of special recognition.The recipient receives a ribbon of recognition, is included in the Members of the Airzona Quilters Hall of Fame for the current year, and is featured on the Hall of Fame website. 

Quilted on a track-mounted machine by Debbie Stanton, this quilt has both contemporary motifs such as the pebbles design shown above, and outline and scrolling patterns, as shown below. 

There are five  16 " square blocks in Karen's quilt. Here's a close-up of the hand-appliqued holly leaves and berries in the lower right-hand block.

Longarm quilter Debbie Stanton describes the quilting process for Christmas Memories on her Creative Quilting by Debbie Stanton blog.  The "cathedral windows" motif she chose for the sashing strips is perfect for these narrow, geometric lines.

The white poinsettia flowers have a delicate gold snowflake design, which provides a lovely contrast and sets them off perfectly from the cream-colored background.

Image credits:   Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration.


  1. nice seeing another version of the Christmas Memories quilt - I made one several years ago by and hand quilted mine - pretty!

  2. Looks beautiful, what was your time commitment?

    1. Thanks for the compliment. The applique didn't take long, maybe three to four months. For me, the hardest part was the sashing, the nine-patches & the setting triangles. I am not a piecer. This is my first effort in that direction.

  3. That is certainly a stunning piece of work. Though not a fan of machine quilting, I think the results really set the whole thing off.


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