
Monday, December 19, 2016

The 12 Days of Christmas: Day 7

Here is Quilt Inspiration's countdown to Christmas ! Each day up to and including Christmas Eve, we'll feature a quilt that reflects the spirit and beauty of the season. Please join us for Day 7 of our celebration.

Please note: We're selling beautiful quilting and crafting books and fabrics at low introductory prices on e-Bay! Also, we're continuously posting free patterns on Twitter!

Christmas Garland by Geneal Yardley
2016 Springville Museum of Art Utah Quilt Show

Geneal's elegant bargello quilt is done in restful shades of muted green, red, ivory, and deep black solid fabrics. The rose print fabric of the border and at the bottom of the red bargello curve provides an interesting and energetic contrast. .

Geneal says, "This quilt was designed and started during a beginning bargello class in 1994. I liked choosing the fabrics from the rose print on black."

Geneal notes that after 20 years as a W.I.P. ( work in progress), she completed the quilting in 2014, with the help of her daughters, Diane Waite, Julieann Parkin, and Abby Yardley. Congratulations to Geneal on her very successful accomplishment !

Image credits:  Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration.


  1. 20 years in the making! What a great feeling it must be to now enjoy it in its accomplished state! This look like a crocheted quilt at first! Very clever fabric choices to fool the eye.

  2. Beautiful quilt! Carefully selected fabrics - so much close up detail to be appreciated - and wonderful at -a -distance effect!

  3. Шикарно!!!
    Переходы цвета восхитительные!

  4. The choice of fabrics makes the result look three dimensional.


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