
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The 12 Days of Christmas: Day 9

Here is Quilt Inspiration's countdown to Christmas ! Each day up to and including Christmas Eve, we'll feature a quilt that reflects the spirit and beauty of the season. Please join us for Day 9 of our celebration !

Please note: We're selling beautiful quilting and crafting books and fabrics at low introductory prices on e-Bay! Also, we're continuously posting free patterns on Twitter!

Geese in the Forest by Kris Lovetro, Strawberry Patchers

Kris Lovetro says, "I saw this pattern online and loved the look of the geese forming the trees of the forest. It is a paper pieced pattern. I added the border of geese on two sides." Kris quilted Geese in the Forest on her longarm machine. The Geese in the Forest pattern is by Anina at Twiddletails.

This quilt was shown at the 2016 Arizona Quilters Guild show.

Image credits:  Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration.


  1. Now that is my kind of forest! Love this!

  2. When I first looked at this one I wondered how much quilting was done (custom???) but nope, a very nice stitching and very effective....especially the flying geese borders!!!! kind of forest!!!!!

  3. Love, love love trees!! It's wonderful, thank you!!
    Wishing you both a Merry Chrismas and New Year full of smiles and laughter :)

  4. I like the balance of light and dark greens with a dash of red. Well done!


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