
Friday, December 1, 2017

24 Days of Christmas at Quilt Inspiration

Welcome to the 24 days of Christmas ! Each day this month, up through Christmas Eve, we'll feature a work of fiber art that reflects the joy and beauty of the season ! Let's get started with Day 1:

Gertrude Finds the Perfect Holiday Wrap by Neva Waldt

We saw "Gertrude" last month at the Houston Quilt Festival and couldn't help but smile at this very whimsical doll.  Here she is, festooned just like a Christmas tree with lights, ornaments, bows, and long bright red gloves to match her shoes.

Neva Waldt is a member of the National Institute of American Doll Artists.

A little gold tinsel garland makes everything all right ! Gertrude looks so pleased with the gaudy, yet spirited and fun-loving outfit she is modeling. We hope your holidays are filled with lots of laughter, tinsel, and candy canes.

Image credits:  Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration at the 2017 Houston International Quilt Festival.


  1. I too am doing a Countdown to Christmas. Gonna have to repost Gertrude with a linkback to you!

  2. She sure brings a smile to MY face.
    xx, Carol


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