
Monday, December 17, 2018

Welcome to Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 7 !

Believe it or not, it's that time of year again: time for Twelve Days of Christmas Quilts ! We are featuring an inspiring quilt each weekday, ending on Christmas Eve.  We wish you a very happy, healthy and creative holiday season.

P.S.-  Check out our many NEW LISTINGS at QuiltInspire on eBay !  And for continuous free quilt patterns, please follow us on Twitter!

Scandinavian Tomte, 54 x 62", by Sherri Noel at Rebecca Mae Designs

Today we're excited to share Sherri Noel's Scandinavian Tomte quilt (and there is a pattern for this cutie)! You may ask: what's a "Tomte"?  It's  a mythological creature from Scandinavian folklore typically associated with the Winter Solstice and the Christmas season. (very gnome-like.)
This adorable quilt is made entirely of patchwork, with the exception of the fused heart on the little guy's hat, so it goes together quickly!

As shown in the left photo above, you could even make a small wall hanging with one Tomte and one tree.  And check out Sherri's wonderful wood-grain free motion quilting, below :

You can find this and other fun patterns at the Rebecca Mae Designs pattern shop (and if you like the Tomte, or gnomes in general, be sure to check out her adorable Tomte Plush pattern !)

Image credits:  Images, copyrighted by Sherri Noel, were used with permission.


  1. Oh my word, that is the cutest Christmas quilt ever! We used to leave food for the Tomten when we were kids. Love this!!

  2. I made this quilt top as a shop sample for my LQS, and this pattern goes flying out the door.

  3. You are such an amazing inspiration.
    I love this!
    Merry Christmas,
    Connie :)

  4. What a fun quilt! I only learned last year what a Tomte is, and now I see them everywhere! This pattern appeals to me because it is straight up piecing instead of paper piecing or applique. Thanks for sharing the link!


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