
Friday, March 15, 2019

Celebrating Green Quilts!

We're celebrating St. Patrick's Day, which honors the patron saint who brought Christianity to Ireland in the 5th century A.D.  Here are some exemplary quilts that feature the color green!

Also please check out our E-Bay shop for great bargains on quilt patterns, fabric, and vintage jewelry ! (For continuous free quilt patterns, please visit us on Twitter !)

Crazy About Ireland by Linda Redwood-Martinez

Winner of Honorable Mention at the 2018 Quilt Arizona show, Linda Redwood-Martinez says, "Visiting this land of beauty, history, lovely beauty and fascinating fable inspired the design and creation of my first Crazy Quilt. Both were a delightful experience".  The nine blocks in this hand embroidered and embellished quilt are filled with charming details.

At her Desert Rose Quilt Company shop on Etsy,  Linda says, "Each square represents elements of Irish culture – from the legend of the Selkie Seal, to the music and camaraderie at the local pub, all the way to politics and religion." "Many of the figures in the quilt were designed, painted and hand embroidered as individual pieces then appliqued to the background block. Each block was then trimmed with laces, ribbon and other fibers, then hand embroidered with more detailed artwork. A great variety of embellishments were then added."

Scrappy Wedding, 38 x 38",  by Lorraine Woodruff-Long (San Francisco, California)

Scrappy Wedding is a twist on the formal, traditional structure of a classic double wedding ring pattern that is contrasted with the modern, improvisational green pieced fabric interiors, which range from yellow-green to forest green. The white "rings" provide a calm contrast to the multi-hued scraps.  This lovely quilt is machine pieced, appliqued, and sewing machine quilted.

Acer Macrophyllum, 34 x 44", by Lisa Jenni (Redmond, Washington)

Acer Macrophyllum was awarded a blue ribbon for Best Sewing Machine Workmanship at the 2017 Pacific International Quilt Festival. Lisa Jenni says, "This quilt is a small tribute to our native Northwestern big leaf maples, some of the most impressive cold-climate deciduous trees. In the more humid parts of its range, as in Olympic National Park, its bark is often covered thickly with epiphytic moss and fern species."

Mossy Radiation by Connie Myers

Mossy Radiation is based on a published design by Kaffe Fassett. Connie Myers says, "The challenge on piecing [this quilt] was to keep each section square. I quilted this on my Sweet Sixteen sit down quilting machine."  We really enjoyed Connie's selection of "mossy" fabrics, and her beautiful machine quilting!

Image credits:  Photos were taken at the 2018 Quilt Arizona show (Crazy About Ireland, Mossy Radiation) and the 2017 Pacific International Quilt Festival (Scrappy Wedding, Acer Macrophyllum).


  1. As Kermit says, "It's not easy being green". These are lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  2. So pretty and so much detail. I am always amazed at the talent of busy switchers.


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