
Friday, November 15, 2019

Best of the Pacific International Quilt Festival 2019 (day 4)

Held annually in Santa Clara, California, the Pacific International Quilt Festival is the largest quilt show on the west coast of the U.S.A. It features a wonderful variety of beautiful quilts! Here are some of the highlights of the festival. Let us know which ones are your favorites!

P.S.  For quilt patterns, books, and vintage collectibles, please visit us on E-Bay quilt-inspiration !

Play With Me!, 90 x 90, by Inger Blood, California 

We are sure this dog will succeed in getting its owner to play... after all, who could resist that sweet face!  This original design quilt was created by Inger Blood from a photo, using commercial batiks for the motif and background piecing. In the lower border is a dog bone with the title of the quilt, Play With Me!  The quilting was done with a domestic sewing machine.

A Border of Flowers, 56.5 x 34", by Lois Evans, New Zealand

Lois Evans says, "This quilt is my personal response to the quote: "Art is like a border of flowers along the course of civilization." (Lincoln Steffens)  Like flowers, art comes in all shapes, sizes, and varieties, but hopefully all serve to make us stop, look and think... If only we would grow flowers and make art instead of creating borders."  This original design was machine appliqued and sewing machine quilted.

Transported, 56 x 55.5", by Ann Horton, California

Ann Horton says, "This quilt began immediately after wildfire swept across our property, leaving us without water, electricity, or neighbors.  We saved our home but it was a terrifying experience.  I reached for some  fabric in my smoke-filled house and began stitching by hand, knowing I would eventually use my machines to finish the piece. The colors, animals and exotic feel transported me from the blackened earth and shock to a world of color and joy." Transported was machine pieced, machine appliqued, and sewing machine quilted.

Baker Beach, 38.5 x 53.5", by Sandra Mollon, California

Featuring the Golden Gate Bridge, Baker Beach was derived from a photo by John Slot.  Sandra Mollon says, "This quilt was my attempt to interpret the movement and reflections of water of this very iconic Northern California landmark and beach." The fabric was mostly hand dyed, raw edge fused and sewing machine quilted.

Crazy In Love, 40 x 40", by Diana Vandeyar, South Africa

Diana Vandeyar says, "This flamboyant quilt was inspired by Beyonce's "Crazy in Love" song and music video featuring Jay Z.  It uses a vibrant selection of African wax prints, gold lame fabric and an improved minimalist wedding-ring pattern (a technique I developed and which I thought fitting for the theme of the quilt.)  It is machine quilted with orange thread in a freeform grid, and hand stitched with electric blue Perle cotton for texture and color juxtaposition."

Image credits:  Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration at the 2019 Pacific International Quilt Festival.


  1. They are all beautiful! The water actually looks wet on the Golden Gate Bridge quilt!

  2. What an interesting selection of quilt art!


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