
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

We're counting our blessings!

Here's a wish for a happy Thanksgiving! Studies show that expressing gratitude - an integral component of the Thanksgiving season - can lift the spirits, and it's built right into the holiday. We're practicing gratitude by giving thanks for good friends, family, and nearly 10 years of Quilt Inspiration.

P.S.  For quilt patterns, books, and vintage collectibles, please visit us on E-Bay quilt-inspiration !

Count Your Blessings Daily by Marcia Tinder, quilted by Arla Ballesteros

Marcia Tinder won a second prize ribbon for this stunning wool applique quilt, with its embroidered saying, Count Your Blessings. She says, "My quilt is about churches of old and new. My sister Arla made the suggestion for me to do this quilt... she said you just don't see churches in quilts.  Some of the churches are from memories of my past."

The angel, and the church with its steeple, provide a lovely setting for this message of gratitude. We admire the charming embroidered features and hair on the angel! 

One of our favorite blocks, this church reminds us of the mission churches in New Mexico and Arizona. The tiny appliqued cactus bring to mind the desert Southwest.

Image credits:  Photos were taken at the 2019 Arizona Quilters Guild show.


  1. God's blessings to you both as we enter this sacred time of the year.

  2. I'm grateful for the inspirational photos and free patterns you share here each week. Thank you! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

  3. I count my friendships made through blogging as a true blessing. Thanks for these years of joy and inspiration.


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