
Friday, June 3, 2016

People and Portraits: Art quilt exhibit

The People and Portraits exhibit celebrates the expressiveness of the human face in stunning quilts created by an international array of artists. The diverse designs focus on a variety of both emotional states and the ways in which people interact: contemplation, joy, community, work and play. This outstanding exhibit is appearing at AQS QuiltWeek throughout 2016.
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Windblown, 25 x 39", by Maria Elkins

Maria Elkins says, "My goal was to merge a contemporary art quilt with traditional quilt elements. I modified traditional quilted feather motifs to suggest strong winds blowing across a stormy sky. I repeated similar motifs in her hair. In the sky is the outline of a traditional quilt block called Windblown Star."

Thank You for the Flowers, 46 x 65", by Sonia Bardella (Italy)

Sonia Bardella says:  "One day, while at the hairdresser’s, I was intrigued by an old photograph I saw in a magazine of two young people kissing, seen from above. Although the photo was taken during wartime, all you could see was the couple’s love. A few months later, I was moving into a new house and heard my dog bark. I went to the window and saw my son below in the garden kissing his girlfriend. I immediately thought of the photograph I’d seen in the magazine. I had to fix the moment in a quilt!"

Homeless Love, 34 x 24", by Mary Pal (Canada)

Mary Pal says, "The texture and line of sculpted cheesecloth first draws the viewer in and then invites them to look beyond the surface of the work to the stories of those often overlooked: the homeless, the elderly, the ordinary. From a photo by Clint Colbert."

Addressing Hair, 62 x 48.5", by Viola Burley Leak

Viola Burley Leak says, "This quilt addresses the versatile styles that black women use in hair design. It also incorporates some of the tools used to style, color, and straighten hair."

The Nine Muses, 34.5 x 28.5", by Ulva Ugerup (Sweden)

Ulva Ugerup says, "This was meant to be a traditional nine patch log cabin quilt. But then, late at night, there was a big hullaballoo at my front door, and there they were: nine very dressed up ladies who claimed to be The Nine Muses, demanding to take their place in my quilt!"

We Were All There, 43 x 130", by Lori Lupe Pelish

This is a photo of one quilt within a four-part, 43 x 130" piece. Lori Lupe Pelish says, "Dignity and respect for our history comprised of extreme goals and sacrifice is the foundation for this piece. A seamless flow of time as people unite and quietly remember." To see the full piece please visit the gallery at Lori's website,

Image credit: Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration at the 2016 AQS QuiltWeek in Phoenix, Arizona. The People and Portraits exhibit is based on the companion book, Art Quilt Portfolio: People and Portraits


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