Saturday, December 24, 2016

The 12 Days of Christmas: Day 12

Merry Christmas to all! Here is the finale of Quilt Inspiration's countdown to Christmas ! Each day up to and including Christmas Eve, we've featured a quilt that reflects the spirit and beauty of the season. Please join us for Day 12 of our celebration.
Please note: We're selling beautiful quilting and crafting books and fabrics at low introductory prices on e-Bay! Also, we're continuously posting free patterns on Twitter!

Gloria by Shauna M. Kawasaki

Surrounded by yarn fringe and covered with embroidery and beading, Gloria is an original work of art by Shauna Kawasaki, who says: "I love to decorate for Christmas. Recently, I was not home at Christmas to decorate, so I made this quilt and decorated and decorated and decorated...."

Image credits: Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration at the 2016 Springville (Utah) Museum of Art quilt show.


  1. Dear Marina and Daryl Lynn,
    I wish you a merry Christnas, too.
    Have a good time with family and friends.
    Doris :o)

  2. It is just beautiful! Merry Christmas!

  3. My, that's beautiful! The facial expressions are so sweet and the "feel" is definitely "The Birth".......

  4. Truly, a work of art. Thanks for sharing Shauna's work, Marina and Daryl. Merry Christmas!

  5. A beautyful work and so much detail,


  6. Очень красиво и трогательно! С рождеством!

  7. Such lovely stitchery. What a holiday treasure to enjoy for years to come.

  8. Merry Christmas to you and your family.Wishing you a happy and bright New Year!!


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