Friday, February 28, 2025

Free pattern day! GREEN quilts

Welcome to our Free Pattern Day! Today we're featuring quilts inspired by the color GREEN. Some patterns are for current fabrics, while others are for archived collections. We hope you enjoy this post! 

To go to a pattern: Scroll down the page until you see the quilt you like, then click on the words "CLICK for PDF download" in the title above the quilt.  (Download your favorites today!)

p.s. Please see our E-Bay shop for great bargains on patterns and vintage collectibles. For continuous free quilt patterns and blog updates, please visit us on Twitter.

Bright Heart quilt, 54 x 72", free pattern by Amy Butler (CLICK for PDF download)

Scrappy Star table topper, 23" square, free pattern by Lindsey Weight at Fort Worth Fabric Studio (CLICK for tutorial

Grand Star quilt, 75" square, free pattern by Robert Kaufman Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download

 Wondrous Woods quilt, ~51 x 58", free pattern at Robert Kaufman Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download)

Abalone Cove quilt, 63 x 75", free pattern by Maywood Studio (CLICK for PDF download)

Birds of a Feather, 64" square, free pattern by Jean Ann Wright for Andover Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download)

Clover Field quilt, 57 x 76", free pattern by Elise Lea for Robert Kaufman Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download

Green with Envy, 70 x 77", free pattern by Jackie Kunkel for Windham Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download

Greenery quilt, 64 x 84", free pattern by Rachel Shelburne for Maywood Studio (CLICK for PDF download)

Interlocked quilt, 76" square, free pattern by Elise Lea for Robert Kaufman Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download)  

Irish Fade quilt, ~76" square, free pattern by Robert Kaufman Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download

 Lily Pads quilt, 70" square, free pattern by Wendy Sheppard for Anthology Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download

Lime Burst quilt, 91" square, free pattern by Wendy Sheppard for Anthology Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download

Maple Stars quilt, 64 x 78", free pattern by Elise Lea for Robert Kaufman Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download)

Mirrored Hearts quilt, 66 x 75", free pattern by Robert Kaufman Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download

Movement in Squares quilt, 54 x 62", free pattern by Wendy Sheppard for Benartex (CLICK for PDF download

Petal quilt pattern, 53 x 67", free pattern by Ariga Mahmoudlou for Robert Kaufman Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download)

Seaside Cottage quilt, 74" square, free pattern by Natalie Crabtree for Anthology Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download)

Star Crossed Paths quilt, 72" square, free pattern by Carolyn Beam for Benartex (CLICK for PDF download)

Star Crossed quilt, 72 x 84", free pattern by Elise Lea for Robert Kaufman Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download

Star Junction quilt, 54 x 66", free pattern by Ariga Mahmoudlou for Robert Kaufman Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download

 Sweet Breeze quilt, 67" square, free pattern by Nancy Mahoney for P&B Textiles (CLICK for PDF download)

Vigneto quilt, 66 x 98", free pattern by Robert Kaufman Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download

Forest Frolic quilt, 74" square, free pattern by Felice Regina for Windham Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download

Swirling Stars quilt, 48 x 51", free pattern by Elise Lea for Robert Kaufman Fabrics (CLICK for PDF download)

If you enjoyed this post, you might also like our Free Pattern Day for Irish Chain Quilts (CLICK HERE) and our Free Pattern Day for St. Patrick's Day quilts (CLICK HERE):

Image credits: This post was updated on February 27, 2025. Individual images are copyrighted by their owners. Please respect their generosity in sharing their free patterns, and the restrictions they have placed on the use of these designs; complete information can be found at the designers' websites provided in the links. The photo montage shown on this page is a derivative work that is the property of Quilt Inspiration. If any links are broken, we'd love to know so we can fix it. Please email us at QuiltInspiration {at} gmail {dot} com.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Highlights of the QuiltCon 2025 Show (1)

QuiltCon is the largest modern quilting event in the world, hosted by the Modern Quilt Guild. With attendees from around the globe, QuiltCon features a vibrant show full of competition quilts, community outreach quilts, and special exhibits. This year's show was in Phoenix, Arizona.  We hope you enjoy these photos!

Note: Please check out our eBay shop for great bargains on jewelry, patterns, and collectibles !  

I may be Square but not Fuddy-Duddy by Jackie Pang (California) @Charcoalbull

We kept this photo uncropped so you could see this 68" square quilt in perspective against the background of the huge convention center hall. Winner of the MQG Breakthrough Award at QuiltCon 2025, Jackie Pang says: "This quilt is a tribute to my '70s childhood memories - my mother's dress, my sister's scarf, and home's familiar curtains. Retro hues and geometric shapes from that era carry warmth and vibrance, reimagined here in a fresh, modern way." 

The design is "a rhythmic, modern twist on tradition - proof that a square can be innovative and anything but "fuddy-duddy." Techniques: Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted on a Frame (Longarm), Machine Quilted without a Frame (Domestic).

Unicorn Barf, 50" square, by Tara Faughnan (2016).  

Rainbow quilts are always a favorite! Tara Faughnan was the featured artist at the show, with many of her quilts in a special display (we'll be showing more in the days to come!)  She says: "When I first began teaching classes on color, I thought I needed a color wheel quilt.  I cut a few squares from every color in my stash at the time, and set about to make a color wheel."

Tara continues, "This quilt taught me about the importance of value and hue, how colors can be both warm and cool depending on who they sit next to, and how context determines how we see color.  I believe Cheryl Arkison came up with the name, and I thought it was perfect."  

View from the Window by Susan Skatoff (Florida) @susan_skatoff

We loved the composition and colors of this quilt, with its thin slices revealed by exposing layers.  Susan Skatoff says, "Irene Roderick told me that everything you see will impact your art.  As we create, our surroundings can influence, direct and shape our work.  I studied with her at Madeline Island School of the Arts and [I] didn't realize, until the quilt was complete, that I had abstracted the view from our classroom."

Techniques used: Machine pieced, improvisational piecing, machine quilted without a frame (domestic machine).

Clamshell Jamboree, 43″ x 58″, by Michelle Bartholomew (Washington) @michellebartholomew

 Winner of the MQG Excellence Award, Michelle Bartholomew says: "Stuck in a design rut, I decided to explore how far I could push the clamshell shape.  Pulling, stretching, adding rows and stripes, putting them upside dosn, is it still a clamshell?  Well I don't know the answer, but I do know that the result was a joyful and vibrant quilt."


Michelle says this quilt "taught me that on the other side of struggle and doubt there can be something special waiting if you just keep going."  Techniques used: Machine pieced, hand quilted, machine qulted without a frame (domestic machine).

 Image credits: Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration at the 2025 QuiltCon show.


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Wedding Stars: A Smaller Scale

Small quilts are a growing trend!  Here are two Wedding Star quilts made with only 4 interlocking "rings". What a great way to try out this technique without making a huge quilt! These were designed to be used as table toppers. We love the use of colorful batiks in this design!

Note: Please check out our eBay shop for great bargains on jewelry, patterns, and collectibles !  

Wedding Star table topper, made and quilted by Jane Smith

  Jane Smith says, "I have always loved wedding ring quilts as my paternal grandmother made them. This was a fun opportunity to take a class with Rosie Lysinger and make a wedding star for my table.  I also love batiks and the color purple."  Pattern source: Quiltworx.

 Wedding Star, made and quilted by Mary Anne Strauss.  

 Mary Anne Strauss says, "I started this quilt in a class and finished it much later.  This is the first time I've made a Judy Niemeyer pattern and found it very daunting at first.  I'm glad I persevered as I do like the finished table topper." Pattern source: Quiltworx.

 Image credits: Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration at the 2025 Tucson Quilters Guild show.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Wedding Stars

The Double Wedding Ring is the most popular pattern in the history of quilting, and the addition of stars takes the design to a new level. Here is a gorgeous Wedding Star quilt in blues and white with a flying geese border!

Note: Please check out our eBay shop for great bargains on jewelry, patterns, and collectibles !

Blue Bayou by JoAnn Hinchliffe, quilted by Valeria Greenwell.  

 We love the gorgeous blue and white contrasts and ombre effects of the piecing in this wedding ring quilt! JoAnn Hinchliffe says, "I started this quilt in a class a long time ago.  I picked it up again years later and finished it, only to be very hesitant about how to quilt it. I finally realized my freehand quilting would not do it justice, so I asked Valeria Greenwell to quilt it for me (Valee G/Quilt Artistry). She did an amazing job. 

  JoAnn says: "As I was sewing on the binding, Linda Ronstadts' "Blue Bayou" came on the radio... and my quilt had its name!" Pattern source: Judy Niemeyer's Bali Wedding Star. 

Note: Photos of Blue Bayou were taken by Quilt Inspiration at the 2025 Tucson Quilters Guild show.  If you enjoyed this post, you might also like our Free Pattern Day for Wedding Ring Quilts (CLICK HERE) and our Free Pattern Day for Blue and White Quilts (CLICK HERE!)


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Double Wedding Ring quilts: Metro Rings!

The Double Wedding Ring is the most popular pattern in the history of quilting. Here are two beautiful examples. These quilters show that it's never too late to make a wedding ring quilt... these were made to celebrate decades-long anniversaries! 

Note: Please check out our eBay shop for great bargains on patterns, jewelry, and collectibles ! 

40th Wedding Anniversary Quilt, made and quilted by Jana Knutson (Tucson). 

 Jana Knutson says, "I've wanted to make a wedding ring qult for many years! Finally, for my 40th wedding anniversary, I did it.  It was not as hard as I thought it would be using this pattern and curved rulers."  It must have been fun to choose the pretty batiks for this design. Pattern:  Metro Rings by Sew Kind of Wonderful.  

Double Wedding Ring, made and quilted by Sheila Arnold.  

 Winner of 1st place in its category at the recent Arizona Quilters Guild show, Sheila Arnold says: "I finished this quilt for our 60th wedding anniversary celebration in June, 2024. I used the Quick Curve ruler for the pathwork, quilted the motifs (computer guided) on my embroidery machine (Anita Goodesign) and free-motion stippled the remaining spaces on my home sewing machine."

We love Sheila Arnold's sunflower quilting design in the centers of the rings. Pattern source: Metro Rings by Sew Kind of Wonderful.

p.s.  If you enjoyed this post, you might be interested in our Free Pattern Day for Wedding Ring quilts (CLICK HERE)!

 Image credits: The original quilt photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration at the 2025 Tucson Quilters Guild show (4oth Wedding Anniversary by Jana Knutson) and the 2025 Arizona Quilters Guild show (Double Wedding Ring by Sheila Arnold).

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