Monday, December 13, 2010

Ode to a tree in all seasons

Here is a beautiful "Four Seasons" quilt by Laura Blanchard of Plum Tree Quilts.

This 60" x 60" quilt gives us a new appreciation for the color green. We admire the way in which the subtle changes in color in the trees are matched by the movement of color in the garlands, from brown to light green (spring), dark green (summer) and orange (autumn). The leafy garlands provide the crowning touch. The Four Seasons pattern can be obtained at Plum Tree Quilts.

Image credits and links:  The image is shown with the generous permission of Laura Blanchard.  Laura's quilts have appeared in Fabric Trends, Love of Quilting and British Patchwork and Quilting magazines and in Jennifer Chiaverieni's book, Return to Elm Creek. If you love rainbow quilts, take a peek at Arabesque. Her  patterns are also great inspiration for her very popular classes.


  1. Isn't it gorgeous! Thanks for showing.

  2. This is so lovely! The color changes are wonderful.


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