Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The 50th Annual Utah Quilt Show! (6)

Welcome back to the 50th Annual Utah Quilt Show! This show features some of Utah's finest quilters. Each quilt displays a convergence of artistry and creative decision-making, with the meticulous technical work required at every step of the quilting process. We hope you enjoy our photos!

p.s. Check out our E-Bay shop for quilt materials & patterns, jewelry, and collectibles! We also invite you to follow us on Twitter

Colors at Sunset (2024), made and quilted by Jared Moore

Tucked a way in a corner of the show were two outstanding wall quilts by Jared Moore, one with an autumn theme and the other with a springtime theme. Jared says, " I have an obsession with trees. For me, trees evoke an endless array of emotions and meaning." This outstanding collage is made with hundreds of tiny fabric pieces with the end result looking like a painting. The background light source reminds us of the rising moon, casting shadows of the tree on the forest floor.

The Tree (2024), made and quilted by Jared Moore.  

The Tree is intended to represent the Tree of Life blooming in spring.  Jared Moore says, "I am a self-taught amateur quilting artist. My quilts began out of a desire to create something interesting and beautiful, and turned into an outlet that expresses my feelings. I use fabric and quilting because I have no talent with any other medium. This is the only medium that I know... It is typically for this reason that I am unwilling to sell my quilts. They hold my thoughts and my feelings in a way that nothing else can."

Amish (2023) by Karen Martindale, quilted by Emmy Evans.

We love Amish quilts and it's rare to see such an outstanding *new* creation! Winner of a Blue Ribbon (Award of Excellence), Karen Martindale says: "My husband and I loved visiting Lancaster Pennsylvania. We visited the Quilt Museum that displayed the "Esprit Quilt Collection" of beautiful Amish quilts. Sadly, the museum closed permanently.  I've wanted to make an Amish quilt for a long time."

Karen adds, "I knew I wouldn't be able to do the massive quilting.  My hands and wrists said they wouldn't do it! so, Emmy [Evans] came to my rescue and did an awesome job!  She is the most talented longarm quilter!"

Just look at the gorgeous border quilting, below.

Summer Quilt Along (2022) by Kara Southwick, quilted by Charlene Nelson.

Kara Southwick says, "I love bright colors and had been collecting some while waiting for just the right quilt to come along. I knew when I saw a few of this quilt's blocks that my colors would pop.  I am so happy with how it turned out!"

Night Skies (2023) by Colette Lindemann, quilted by Judy Jackson

Winner of Honorable Mention, Colette Lindemann says: "Since my son likes astronomical anomalies, I wanted to make something along the lines of the northern lights by using bright fabrics against black.  I named the four center blocks (which represent the earth's 24-hour rotation) Morning Light, Sun So Bright, Evening Delight and Moon at Night.  The blue and green crosshatch blocks represent meteor showers.  Three of the purple blocks are constellations: Land-Bear's Paw (Ursa Major), Sea-Seahorse (Barnard 150 Cepheus) and Air-Soaring Eagle (Aquila). Others are various stars, comets or asteroids."

Image credits: Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration at the Springville (Utah) Museum of Art.

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