Thursday, February 6, 2014

Free pattern day: Thousand Pyramids quilts

Here are some wonderful FREE patterns for Triangle and Diamond quilts, also known as Thousand Pyramids. Use them to design your own "pyramid scheme"!  NOTE:  This post has been UPDATED.  For the latest patterns, please visit our Free Pattern Day for Thousand Pyramids quilts (CLICK HERE!)

p.s. Check out our E-Bay shop for great bargains on quilt patterns and collectible items! For continuous free quilt patterns, please visit us on Twitter!

Image credits and links: Complete information can be found at the designers' websites provided in the links.  If any links are broken, we'd love to know; email us at quiltinspiration {at} gmail {dot} com.


  1. I have a triangle UFO... There's always something else you "have to" work on.
    Thanks for sharing the triangle quilts. Gorgeous.

  2. Have made several diamond/triangle quilts and have several UFOs. Just not enough time in the day, you know!? LOL

  3. Great post! I discussed the quilt connection to Sotchi yesterday with my students at school who had a math competition on patchwork!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com


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